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Iraq Dinar News: Economic Expert, getting lost in the monetary policy makes the deletion of zeros is not successful project

. said, an expert in economic affairs peace Sumaisem, to begin procedures to delete the zeros from the Iraqi currency in the light of the confusion in the monetary policy and the instability of the dinar and improve Sarsrv
      of them unsuccessful procedures.

She Sumaisem told the independent press (Iba) said Thursday that “the project to delete the zeros is aimed at two
 dimensions are reducing the money supply and improve the price of the Iraqi dinar, pointing out that” the deterioration of the dinar exchange rate in the current period after pumping quantities of ill-conceived from the dollar makes the process of deleting zeros is able to improve the rate of the dinar will not create a balance with
the dollar. “

She pointed to the “dual price policy that arise between the central bank auction and outside the auction and the existence of attempts to smuggle currency has created a discrepancy between the two rates inside and outside the bank, making it the Iraqi dinar less valuable than the U.S. dollar.”

The Sumaisem stressed that “the process delete Asfarfa the light of the deteriorating value of the Iraqi dinar against the U.S. dollar is not successful and check the equation between the two rates, but creates an imbalance in the monetary policy

Source; IPA Iraq
Dinar Iraq
Berita: Pakar Ekonomi, sesat dalam dasar monetari membuat penghapusan sifar tidak
projek yang berjaya

Posted on April 19, 2013

. berkata, seorang pakar dalam hal ehwal ekonomi keamanan Sumaisem, untuk memulakan prosedur untuk memadam sifar daripada mata wang Iraq dalam terang kekeliruan dalam dasar kewangan dan ketidakstabilan dinar dan meningkatkan Sarsrv daripada mereka prosedur tidak berjaya.

Beliau Sumaisem memberitahu media bebas (Iba) berkata Khamis bahawa "projek untuk memadam sifar bertujuan dua dimensi mengurangkan bekalan wang dan meningkatkan harga dinar Iraq, menunjukkan bahawa" kemerosotan kadar pertukaran dinar dalam tempoh semasa selepas pam kuantiti sakit-mengandung daripada dolar menjadikan proses memotong sifar mampu meningkatkan kadar dinar tidak akan mewujudkan kira-kira dengan dolar. "

Dia menunjuk ke arah "dasar harga dua yang timbul di antara lelongan bank pusat dan di luar lelong dan kewujudan cubaan menyeludup mata wang telah mewujudkan percanggahan antara kedua-dua kadar dalam dan di luar bank, menjadikannya dinar Iraq kurang berharga daripada Dolar Amerika Syarikat. "

Sumaisem itu menegaskan bahawa "proses padam Asfarfa cahaya nilai merosot dinar Iraq berbanding dolar AS tidak berjaya dan lihat persamaan antara kedua-dua kadar, tetapi mencipta ketidakseimbangan dalam dasar monetari