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Dinar Iraq Collection Notes

Forex Dinar is the most trusted source to buy Iraqi dinar !

Dinar Forex adalah sumber yang paling dipercayai untuk membeli dinar Iraq

Forex Dinar specializes in the wholesale supplier of the New Iraq Dinar. We supply brand new Iraq Dinars.
Forex Dinar mengkhususkan diri dalam pembekal borong Dinar Iraq Baru. Kami menyediakan dinar iraq baru.
All of the notes are new (uncirculated) and in a sequential order.
Semua catatan yang baru (Uncirculated) dan di siri nombor.

Forex Dinar provides you Dinar Iraq,Iraqi Dinar Currency,Iraqi Dinar Exchange Rate, Buy Iraqi Dinar,Sell Iraqi Dinar,Latest Iraqi Dinar News,New Iraq Dinar Forum,Latest iraqi dinar information, New Iraqi Dinar Exchange Rate,Iraqi Dinar News. We offer COD (Cash On Delivery) and Poslaju service within Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia.


Forex Dinar menyediakan anda Dinar Iraq,Dinar Iraq mata wang,Beli Dinar Iraq,Jual Dinar Iraq, Dinar Iraq Terkini Berita,baru Iraq Dinar Forum,terkini maklumat Dinar Iraq,Baru Dinar Iraq Kadar Pertukaran,Dinar Iraq Berita ,Kami tawaran COD (Cash On penghantaran) dan perkhidmatan Poslaju di Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

We offer you the unbeatable wholesale prices in new Iraqi dinars
Kami menawarkan harga borong tak terkalahkan di dinar Iraq baru
Before the war and sanctions against Iraq, the dinar was worth $ 3.22 US Dollars
Iraq has the World's Largest Gas Reserves
Iraq is not a Poor country,Iraq is a War torn country
Iraq has over $10 Trillion of proven Oil Reserves

We purchase directly from licensed sources in the Middle East - CBI (Central bank of Iraq)

Kami membeli langsung dari sumber dilesenkan di Timur Tengah - CBI (Central bank dari Iraq)

We absolutely guarantee that these banknotes are authentic and have never been in circulation
kita benar-benar memastikan bahawa nota bank adalah otentik dan tidak pernah beredar
we guarantees each dinar is real and of non-criminal origin.
We guarantee the best rate for buying Iraqi Dinar.

Don't Miss Your Chance To Invest In The New Iraqi Dinar ! Experts are estimating that the chances for the New Iraqi Dinar rate to rise are very high, especially due to Iraq's huge oil and gas reserves. The purpose is simple: to buy today when its value is extremely low and to sell it in the future, after the value will recover.

We are Wholesale supplier of New Iraqi Dinar in Malaysia - kuala lumpur (KL) so if you wish to buy New Iraqi Dinars please contact me at 016-7844544

We welcome large orders as well as orders from international customers and other dealers. If you would like to place an specialized order please Contact us

Why buy Iraqi Dinar ?
A historical and geographical comparison: Kuwait Prior to Saddam Hussein's invasion of Kuwait in 1990 one
Kuwaiti Dinar was worth $2.79 U.S. Dollars (USD.) After Saddam Hussein's invasion of Kuwait the Kuwaiti Dinar plummeted to a value of $.10 on the Dollar.

When the U.S. lead coalition removed Saddam the Kuwaiti Dinar could be purchased for pennies on the Dollar.

Today one Kuwaiti Dinar is worth $3.42 U.S. Dollars (USD).

Keep in mind that Kuwait is the third largest oil producing country in the world Iraq is second

Mengapa Membeli Dinar Iraq sekarang?
Perbandingan sejarah dan geografi: Kuwait Sebelum pencerobohan Saddam Hussein ke Kuwait pada tahun 1990 satu Kuwaiti Dinar bernilai $ 2,79 Dolar AS (USD.) Setelah pencerobohan Saddam Hussein ke Kuwait Dinar Kuwait anjlok kepada nilai-nilai $ 0,10 pada Dollar.

Ketika AS memimpin koalisi dihapuskan Saddam Dinar Kuwait boleh dibeli untuk sen pada Dollar.

Hari ini salah satu Dinar Kuwait bernilai $ 3,42 Dolar AS (USD). Perlu diingat bahawa Kuwait adalah pengeluar minyak ketiga terbesar negara pengeluar di dunia Iraq kedua

Buying and holding currency that is currently out of circulation poses a risk of illiquidity, inconvertibility and involves the risk of loss that may not suitable for all collectors

Membeli dan memegang mata wang yang saat ini keluar dari peredaran menimbulkan risiko ilikuiditas, inconvertibility dan melibatkan risiko kerugian yang mungkin tidak sesuai untuk semua kolektor.

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History of iraqi dinar exchange rates (Sejarah nilai tukar Dinar Iraq)
1 IRQ/US Dollar Exchange
USD $4.86
USD $2.80
USD $3.39
USD $0.00083330
USD $0.00050760
USD $0.00034290
USD $0.00070370
USD $0.00081360
USD $0.00085470
USD $0.00086205

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